Project Background
We are actively engaged in two project initiatives in collaboration with Nature Trust BC. Commencing in 2023, our efforts have focused on revitalizing two properties in the west Kootenays, demonstrating a commitment to enhancing degraded lands and restoring biodiverse forests.
Plantings to date
During the 2023 spring and fall seasons, tree planting operations were executed following the silviculture prescriptions of the CCS team . This included the strategic introduction of native tree species (deciduous and conifers), shrubs, herbs, and sedges.
The seedlings were fertilized to support nutrient uptake. Mesh protectors and repellent was sprayed to protect the seedlings from animal browse.
The completion of the initial planting phase marks just the beginning of our dedication to these projects. Our team remains committed to long-term success through follow-up monitoring and ongoing maintenance activities. This comprehensive approach ensures that the ecosystems we restore thrive in the short term and stand resilient against future challenges.
Restoration and reforestation
The work undertaken by our team helps achieve our reforestation goals of degraded sites but also contributes significantly to the improvement of wildlife habitats. Through continuous monitoring and maintenance of the restored areas, our team accumulates valuable insights.
The insights acquired play a vital role in influencing the strategic management decisions for upcoming projects that strive to promote the health and vitality of the ecosystems we have diligently worked to restore.