Our Team At
Cariboo Carbon Solutions

Tony Harrison, PMP
General Manager
Tony is a partner in Zanzibar Holdings Ltd. and Cariboo Carbon Solutions, and a Senior Project Manager for both companies. He has administered silviculture projects since 1980 and is a registered project management professional with the International Project Management Institute.
Tony is a current director of the Western Forestry Contractors Association (WFCA) and a former president. His management of Forest Carbon Initiative’s (FCI) Cariboo-based projects since 2018 demonstrates his ability to manage an array of projects, partners, clients and compliance agencies. Tony leads CCS with his abilities to effectively communicate with multiple stakeholders and organize complex projects while keeping them on track and on budget.

Mark Seilis, RPF, B.Sc.F, Dippl For.
Senior Forester
Mark Seilis is a Registered Professional Forester and has been managing forestry operations in the Cariboo since 1982. He is currently the Operations Manager for our Forest Investment and Reporting Branch (FIRB) Program.
Mark spent 14 years as head of BC Timber Sales (BCTS) operations in the 100 Mile House Forest District before joining Zanzibar and CCS. Mark has extensive experience in forestry operations management and silviculture, land use planning and timber supply, as well as operational GIS use and data management. Mark brings a wealth of knowledge in the functioning of government agencies such as BCTS and Ministry of Forests (MOF) to Cariboo Carbon Solutions.

Mike Madill, RPF, B.Sc F, Dipl SIBC
Senior Forester
Mike is a Registered Professional Forester with experience in British Columbia’s forest industry since 1986. Mike has managed reforestation projects across much of the central and southern interior. He is currently a Senior Forester for our Federal 2 Billion Tree and NGO collaboration projects.
Mike spent 4 years as the Forest Carbon Technical Advisor under the Forest Carbon Initiative where he oversaw the planting of 66 million trees. Mike has extensive experience in reforestation and seedling procurement, site preparation, and forest carbon modeling.

Nicole Harrison, B.Sc.
Silviculture Operations Manager
Nicole has been working for Cariboo Carbon Solutions from its creation in 2020. She wears and has worn many hats under our Cariboo-Chilcotin Forest Investment Program (FIP) (previously the Forest Carbon Initiative) project including: Operations Manager, Eligibility and Monitoring Survey Project Manager, NGO Project Coordinator, Health and Safety Coordinator, and Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee (JOHSC) member. Nicole currently provides training, silviculture surveys and systems development support for CCS’s many projects and ventures.

Wesley Brookes, M.Sc., FIT
Forest Ecologist
Wesley has been with Cariboo Carbon Solutions since it’s inception and has been an integral contributor the company’s development. He is a registered Forester in Training (FIT) with the Forest Professionals of British Columbia (FPBC) and an accredited silviculture surveyor. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Forest Ecology and Soils and a Master of Science (Hons) specializing in the ecology of British Columbia’s dry forests.
Wesley is our lead ecologist for our ecological restoration projects and manages our deciduous and shrub seed collection division. He also leads the development and implementation of silviculture research trials focused on dry forest wildfire restoration. The trials look to gain insights into the silvics of deciduous trees and improving seedling establishment success in dry forests through mitigating the effects of drought, high summer temperatures, and poor soils.
He is driven to develop innovative techniques for the re-establishment of dry forests in the aftermath of wildfires.

Andrew Steeves, B.Sc., RFT
Operations Manager
Andrew is a Registered Forest Technologist (RFT) with the Forest Professionals BC (FPBC) and Operations Manager for projects in the South Cariboo region. He has worked with Zanzibar Holdings Ltd. since 2018 and with Cariboo Carbon Solutions since its inception. He earned his Forest Resources Technology Diploma from Vancouver Island University in 2018 and has been working as a Forest Technologist since graduating.
Andrew entered the forestry sector in 2008, where he gained his initial experience as a member of a tree planting crew. Since then, he has taken on many roles in the silviculture industry, including tree planter, crew foreperson, and project lead.

Dan Marcotte, TFT
Field Manager
Dan is a registered Trainee Forest Technologist (TFT) and holds a diploma in Forest Technology from Selkirk College (2023). Dan started working with Zanzibar Holdings Ltd. since 2012 in roles ranging from planter to crew supervisor to accredited silviculture surveyor. He is currently the field supervisor for our Cariboo-Chilcotin Forest Investment Program.
Dan trains and manages staff from CCS’s partner ?Elhdaqox Developments on planting implementation, silviculture, ecological classification and forest inventory surveys, and supervises the collection of a variety of conifer and broadleaf tree seed. Dan is a passionate arborist who completed his apprenticeship with the Industry Trades Authority of British Columbia in 2018.

Gabrielle Boudreau, B.Sc., TFT
GIS Team Lead
Gabrielle is a registered Trainee Forest Technologist (TFT), an accredited silviculture surveyor, and is a certified Danger Tree Assessor. Gabrielle currently is the manager of our GIS department and oversees the completion of all provincial database updates for our projects in the Kootenays. She has also taken on the management of our ecological restoration projects in the Kootenays.
Gabrielle has a diploma in Forestry and a Bachelor of Science in Geographic Information Systems from Selkirk College. Her thesis measured micro vegetation changes on landscape levels for Parks Canada using object-based image analysis and LiDAR.

Justin Morrison
Senior GIS Technician
Justin is our lead GIS technician and has been working within the forestry industry and GIS since 2004.
Justin provides full-phase silviculture mapping services, data analysis, and data management using tools such as ArcMap suite, Arc GIS, and BCTS Genus/Cengea/Trimble forest systems.
Justin has two technical diplomas, one in Forest Resource Technology and another in Geographic Information Systems from the College of New Caledonia.

Dan Track
Senior Surveyor
Dan Track is Zanzibar Holdings Ltd.ʼs lead systems support manager and has been with the team since 1993. Dan now manages Cariboo Carbon Solutions’ forest information systems as well, including SNAP, Phoenix, and Plant Wizard, and is responsible for the vetting and uploading of spatial and tabular data into provincial databases like RESULTS and ECAS. Dan is meticulous with data management and his RESULTS submissions have been formally recognized for their completeness and accuracy. Dan has been an accredited silviculture surveyor since 2008 and brings a vast knowledge of forest surveys.

MacKendrick Hallworth, BScF (Hons), RPF
Project Manager
MacKendrick joined Zanzibar Holdings Ltd. in 2020 as a tree planter and moved to Cariboo Carbon Solutions in 2021 where he has since fulfilled several roles, such as contract supervisor, silviculture surveyor, and seed collection coordinator. He holds a Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Forest Management from Lakehead University (2020) and a Diploma in Forest Resources Technology from Vancouver Island University (2018).
MacKendrick works closely with First Nation communities, municipalities and private landowners to design economically viable restoration projects with a positive social and ecological impact.

Andy Belicka, ATC
Field Operations Supervisor
Andy is a senior Forest Technician who previously worked for Zanzibar Holdings Ltd., from 2017-2020 and rejoined the Cariboo Carbon Solutions team in 2023. He is an accredited silviculture surveyor (2016) and timber cruiser (2017) registered with the Forest Professionals BC (FPBC). With nearly two decades of field experience spanning from the west coast to the northern Rockies, Andy has been involved in project management, timber development, road design and layout, eco-typing, silviculture surveying, timber cruising and wildland firefighting. Andy is also a skilled backcountry survivalist and is passionate about mentoring new field workers in individual woodsmanship and technical forestry skills.

Jeni Christie
Senior Surveyor
Jeni joined the Cariboo Carbon Solutions team in 2019 as a senior silviculture surveyor and has been involved in many wildfire restoration projects throughout the Cariboo and Cascade regions of British Columbia. She develops silviculture prescriptions, which include eco-typing, initial reconnaissance, mapping and planting prescriptions. Jeni is also a project lead and operations manager for several planting projects with Zanzibar Holdings Ltd., and a member of the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee (JOHSC) for both CCS and Zanzibar.
Jeni began her reforestation career back in 1990 as a tree planter, and she planted her first trees for Zanzibar Holdings Ltd. in 1993.

Erin Yang
Office Manager
Erin is our dedicated bookkeeper and office manager, beginning with Zanzibar Holdings Ltd. in 2019, and now also with Cariboo Carbon Solutions since 2020.
She navigates the accounting cycle, oversees Accounts Payable and Receivable entries, administers Human Resources functions, and specializes in Cash Forecasting to ensure the financial foresight needed for strategic decision-making. Erin’s efficiency and commitment are crucial to the smooth flow of operations at CCS.
Contact For Specific Services

Wesley Brookes
For all your reforestation questions please contact Wesley!

Project Origination
Nicole Harrison
For all of your project inquiries please contact Nicole!

Seed Collection
Andrew Steeves
For all your seed collection questions please contact Andrew!